What’s 92.3 Phone Number: A Comprehensive Guide to Finding Your Favorite Radio Station’s Contact Information

As a fan of a particular radio station, you may want to get in touch with them for a variety of reasons. Whether it’s to request a song, share your thoughts on a show, or just to say hello, having the contact information of your favorite radio station can be incredibly helpful. In this article, we’re going to explore one of the most popular radio station phone numbers and show you how to find it.

Importance of Contact Information for a Radio Station

92.3 Phone Number is just a few clicks away with this simple trick.
92.3 Phone Number is just a few clicks away with this simple trick.

Having access to a radio station’s contact information is essential for many reasons. For instance, if you have a favorite radio show, you may want to call in to participate in a discussion or give feedback. Additionally, if you’re interested in advertising on a radio station, you’ll need to know the station’s contact information to get in touch with the right people.

In some cases, you may want to request a song or dedicate a song to someone special. Without the radio station’s contact information, it would be difficult to make these requests. Moreover, if you have won a radio station contest, knowing the contact information of the station will help you claim your prize.

Brief Overview of the Article’s Content

Knowing 92.3 Phone Number can make it easy to request your favorite song or participate in contests.
Knowing 92.3 Phone Number can make it easy to request your favorite song or participate in contests.

In this article, we’ll be exploring one of the most popular radio station phone numbers that you may need to know: 92.3 Phone Number. We’ll explain what 92.3 Phone Number is and its significance to the radio station. We’ll also describe why it’s important to know 92.3 Phone Number and different ways to find it. Finally, we’ll discuss alternative methods of contacting a radio station besides phone number.

What is 92.3 Phone Number?

Explanation of What 92.3 Phone Number Refers to

92.3 Phone Number refers to the phone number of a popular radio station. This radio station is commonly known by its call letters, which are WCOL-FM, and it is located in Columbus, Ohio. The station primarily plays country music and is known for its popular morning show, which features a mix of music, news, and entertainment.

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Brief History of the Radio Station Associated with the Number

WCOL-FM has a long history in the Columbus area. The station was first established in 1948 and was one of the first FM radio stations in the area. Over the years, the station has gone through several different owners and formats, but it has always been a popular choice for listeners in the Columbus area.

In 1997, the station was acquired by Clear Channel Communications, which later became iHeartMedia. Since then, the station has continued to be a popular choice for country music fans in the Columbus area and has won numerous awards for its programming, including several Country Music Association awards.

Benefits of Being Able to Contact a Radio Station

Knowing the contact information of a radio station can bring along many benefits. Below are some of the advantages of having access to 92.3 Phone Number:

Participate in Contests and Giveaways

Radio stations often hold contests and giveaways to engage with their listeners. Knowing the contact information of a radio station, including 92.3 Phone Number, can help you participate in these contests and potentially win exciting prizes.

Request a Song or Make a Dedication

One of the most significant advantages of having a radio station’s contact information is the ability to request a song or make a dedication. 92.3 Phone Number can allow you to make these requests and have them played on-air, which can be an excellent way to surprise someone special.

Voice Your Opinion or Share Feedback

Knowing 92.3 Phone Number can also help you share your thoughts and feedback on a particular radio show or segment. Whether you have a suggestion, criticism, or just want to express your appreciation, having access to the radio station’s contact information can make it easy to voice your opinion.

Examples of Situations Where You Might Need to Know the Phone Number

Here are some examples of situations where knowing the 92.3 Phone Number of your favorite radio station can come in handy:

Requesting a Song

Suppose you’re hosting a party and want to play a particular song. By knowing the radio station’s contact information, including 92.3 Phone Number, you can request the song to be played, making your party even more enjoyable. Moreover, you can dedicate the song to someone special, making the moment even more memorable.

Participating in Contests

Radio stations frequently hold contests and giveaways with exciting prizes. Knowing the contact information of a radio station, including 92.3 Phone Number, can help you enter these contests and potentially win great prizes.

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Sharing Feedback

If you’re passionate about a particular radio show or segment, you might want to give feedback to the radio station. Knowing 92.3 Phone Number can allow you to share your thoughts on the show and provide valuable feedback.

Overall, knowing the 92.3 Phone Number of your favorite radio station is crucial for participating in contests, requesting songs, sharing feedback, and much more.

How to Find 92.3 Phone Number

If you’re looking for 92.3 Phone Number, there are several methods to find it. In this section, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to find the phone number and explain the different methods to do so.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Find 92.3 Phone Number

  1. Open your web browser and type “92.3 Phone Number” in the search bar.
  2. Click on the search button, and you’ll see several results.
  3. Look for the result that says “92.3 Phone Number” or “Contact Us” and click on it.
  4. The website will direct you to a page with the radio station’s contact information, including the phone number.

Different Methods to Find the Phone Number

Apart from using a search engine, there are other ways to find 92.3 Phone Number. Here are some of them:

Radio Station Website

The radio station’s website is an excellent source of information for contact details. You can visit the website and look for the “Contact Us” page or “About Us” page to find the phone number.

Social Media Platforms

Radio stations often use social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to engage with their listeners. You can search for the radio station’s social media handles and look for the phone number in the “Contact Us” section.

Radio Station Apps

Many radio stations have dedicated apps that you can install on your smartphone. These apps often have a “Contact Us” section that includes the phone number.

Online Directories

Several online directories list contact information for radio stations. You can search for these directories and look for the phone number of the radio station you’re interested in.

By following the step-by-step guide and using the different methods mentioned above, you’ll be able to find 92.3 Phone Number easily.

Alternatives to 92.3 Phone Number

If you’re unable to reach your favorite radio station through 92.3 Phone Number or you prefer not to use the phone, there are alternative methods of contacting the station. Here are some of the most popular alternative methods:


Email is a popular way to contact a radio station. It’s a convenient method because you can write an email at any time of day and don’t have to worry about being put on hold. Additionally, it’s an efficient way to communicate with the station because you can include all the necessary details in your message. However, the drawback of using email is that it may take longer to receive a response from the station.

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Social Media

Social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are great ways to contact a radio station. Many stations have a dedicated social media team that monitors their accounts and responds to messages promptly. Social media is also an effective way to get in touch with a station if you prefer to communicate through messaging rather than phone or email. However, keep in mind that social media messages may not be as private as other methods of communication.

Website Contact Form

Most radio stations have a website with a contact form that you can use to get in touch with them. This method is similar to email, but it’s even more convenient because you don’t have to worry about finding the station’s email address. However, like email, it may take longer to receive a response from the station.

Mailing Address

If you prefer to send a physical letter to the radio station, you can use their mailing address. This method is great if you want to send a fan mail, request, or complaint to the station. However, it’s the slowest method of communication and may take several days or weeks for the station to receive your message.

In conclusion, while 92.3 Phone Number is the most popular way to contact a radio station, there are alternative methods that you can use if you prefer not to use the phone. Each method has its benefits and drawbacks, so choose the one that works best for you.


In conclusion, knowing the contact information of your favorite radio station is crucial for many reasons. In this article, we’ve explored one of the most popular radio station phone numbers, 92.3 Phone Number. We’ve explained what it is and its significance to the radio station. We’ve also described different ways to find 92.3 Phone Number and why it’s essential to know it. Lastly, we’ve discussed alternative methods of contacting a radio station besides phone number.

Remember, if you’re a fan of a particular radio station, having their contact information is invaluable. Whether you want to participate in a discussion, give feedback, or make a request, knowing the station’s phone number is essential.

At News Pop, we strive to provide you with informative and engaging content that covers a wide range of topics, including technology, finance, business, cryptocurrency, forex, and education. We hope this article has been helpful in finding 92.3 Phone Number and understanding its importance.

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