How to limit cloud cost waste with FinOps accountability and automation

Have you ever wondered how cloud computing has transformed the very fabric of organizational operations, introducing unprecedented flexibility, scalability, and efficiency? Yet, within this technological revolution lies a common challenge faced by FinOps practitioners – the intricate dance of effectively managing cloud costs. Whether an organization’s annual cloud expenditure stands at $5 million or soars to a lofty $50 million, the perpetual quest for striking the delicate balance between optimal resource utilization and stringent cost control stands as an unyielding challenge. How can organizations navigate this complex terrain, ensuring their cloud investments align harmoniously with both efficiency and fiscal responsibility?

The Challenge of Cloud Cost Management

The challenge of managing cloud costs persists, evident in the significant financial waste experienced by organizations. Recent studies reveal that, on average, a staggering 32% of cloud spending goes to waste. This alarming figure translates into substantial financial drains for companies, especially those with substantial cloud budgets exceeding millions annually. This financial leakage poses a critical obstacle, diverting funds that could otherwise fuel innovation and address pressing business needs.

The intricacies of cloud cost management are exacerbated by several factors, including the intricate nature of discounting options for public cloud services. Additionally, navigating challenges in hybrid environments compounds the difficulty. The lack of cross-cloud visibility and accountability further exacerbates the issue, making it challenging for organizations to gain comprehensive insights into their cloud spending patterns. As organizations strive to optimize their cloud expenditure, addressing these challenges becomes imperative for sustained financial health and innovation.

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The Multicloud Dilemma

With 89% of organizations adopting a multicloud approach, the effort required to correlate data and insights across various cloud-native tools becomes intricate and time-consuming. Engineering teams often face hurdles in understanding application dependencies and lack visibility into licensing and cloud usage, leading to overprovisioning as a precautionary measure against potential application performance issues and compliance risks.

FinOps: A Strategic Approach to Cloud Governance

In response to these challenges, the FinOps framework emerges as a crucial element in cloud financial management. FinOps, short for Financial Operations, is an evolving practice that enables organizations to centralize the management of their cloud spend, fostering ownership of cloud usage through common terminology, principles, and processes.

The Three Phases of FinOps Framework

The FinOps framework consists of three key phases: Inform, Optimize, and Operate.

1. Inform: Enhancing Visibility and Allocation

The first phase, Inform, focuses on improving visibility into deployed cloud resources. IT teams gain insights into how applications utilize cloud resources, enabling them to allocate associated spend within specific business units. This contextualization facilitates accurate chargebacks, allowing organizations to understand how much of their monthly cloud bill is allocated to different applications supporting various business functions.

2. Optimize: Identifying Savings Opportunities

In the Optimize phase, organizations delve into opportunities for cost savings. This involves right-sizing resources based on current usage patterns and taking advantage of discounts offered by cloud providers. For instance, moving a virtual machine (VM) to a more cost-effective node can result in substantial savings. However, it is crucial to consider licensing constraints to avoid unexpected costs and ensure compliance.

3. Operate: Implementing Automation for Continuous Governance

The final phase, Operate, emphasizes the implementation of automation to enforce policies continuously. Automation ensures that cloud resources are adjusted dynamically to control costs while maintaining optimal application performance. Governance policies, including license compliance, play a crucial role in decision-making processes. For example, automated policies may dictate when to refrain from moving workloads to new nodes, balancing the need for improved performance against potential licensing costs.

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The Impact of Cloud Spend Waste

The impact of excessive cloud spend waste extends beyond financial repercussions, casting a shadow on innovation and strategic investments. Recent industry reports indicate that organizations, on average, witness a 20% reduction in their innovation budgets due to cloud overspending. This substantial cut not only hampers the ability to explore new technologies but also restricts investment in critical strategic initiatives.

To combat this issue effectively, organizations are urged to embrace a proactive approach to cloud cost management, leveraging the FinOps framework. Implementing the FinOps methodology has shown promising results, with companies experiencing a 15% reduction in cloud costs within the first six months of adoption.

The Role of Accountability and Automation

Accountability emerges as a crucial component in successful cloud cost optimization. According to a survey conducted by a leading cloud management platform, organizations that establish clear accountability structures witness a 25% greater reduction in cloud waste compared to those lacking such structures. Reporting mechanisms play a pivotal role in accountability, and platforms offering detailed insights into cloud usage and spending contribute to more informed decision-making.

Automation further amplifies the efficacy of cloud cost management. A study by a renowned cloud solutions provider found that organizations incorporating automation into their cloud governance processes experience a 30% faster response to changing usage patterns. This real-time adjustment ensures that policies are consistently enforced, leading to a more agile and cost-efficient cloud infrastructure.

FinOps in Action: Real-world Examples

To illustrate the practical implementation of the FinOps framework, let’s consider a scenario where an organization wants to leverage the Microsoft Azure hybrid benefit. This benefit allows organizations to optimize costs when using SQL servers in a hybrid environment while adhering to license mobility constraints.

Cloud Cost Optimization with Flexera One, IBM Observability, and IBM Turbonomic

Flexera One, integrated with IBM Observability and IBM Turbonomic, provides a comprehensive solution for FinOps teams to manage and optimize cloud costs in complex hybrid environments.

Flexera One with IBM Observability

The Cloud Cost Optimization component of Flexera One with IBM Observability offers FinOps stakeholders customized views for cost visibility and reporting. This feature enables organizations to gain detailed insights into their cloud spending, allowing for more informed decision-making.

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IBM Turbonomic

IBM Turbonomic complements this by automating resource provisioning and workload placement. By dynamically adjusting resources based on real-time demand and cost considerations, IBM Turbonomic helps organizations eliminate waste, reduce cloud spend, and ensure optimal application performance.

Webinar: Unveiling the Power of FinOps Framework

To delve deeper into the FinOps framework and its practical implementation, we invite you to join our upcoming webinar on April 10, 2024. In this webinar, I, along with Brian Adler, Flexera Sr. Director of Cloud Strategy and FinOps Foundation Board Member, will explore the nuances of the FinOps framework. Additionally, AJ Nish, Turbonomic Head of Product, and Josh Fraser, Flexera Solution Engineering, will demonstrate how Turbonomic and Flexera One with IBM Observability align with the FinOps framework, providing actionable insights and showcasing the power of accountability and automation in maximizing the business value of your cloud investments.

Key Takeaways

  • Cloud cost waste is a significant challenge, with an estimated 32% of cloud spend wasted on average.
  • The FinOps framework, consisting of Inform, Optimize, and Operate phases, provides a strategic approach to cloud financial management.
  • Accountability through reporting and automation is essential for successful FinOps implementation.
  • Flexera One with IBM Observability and IBM Turbonomic offers a comprehensive solution for cloud cost optimization in complex hybrid environments.
  • Join our webinar on April 10, 2024, to gain in-depth insights into the FinOps framework and discover how accountability and automation can transform your organization’s cloud cost management strategy.


In conclusion, the FinOps framework, coupled with advanced tools and automation, empowers organizations to take control of their cloud costs, optimize resources, and redirect funds towards innovation and strategic initiatives. Embracing this proactive approach is crucial for organizations seeking to thrive in today’s dynamic and competitive digital landscape.

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